Our Mobile Panel

What is interaqt?

InteraQT is an indigenously created application. This application sits on our panel member’s mobile handset (IOS and Android). We use this application to push surveys to these panel members on a periodic basis. All these panel members have been recruited F2F by Synchronize Field teams and gone through a rigorous process before empanelling.

Our Rigorous Recruitment Process

F2F Recruitment

App Installation

Secured Payment


F2F Recruitment

App Installation

Secured Payment



Approves or disapproves a candidate basis the info received

WHY Interaqt

Mobile Panel

  • With over ~20000 panelists and continously adding
  • Presently spread across Tier 1 and 2 Towns
  • Comprises of NCCS A and B
  • Male / Female (70:30)
  • 15 - 50 Years Age Group

Reasonable Response rates

  • Ad-Hoc Studies ~ 30%
  • Continuous Studies (Weekly) ~ 50%
  • Continuous Studies ~ 60%


  • A Survey Platform available on both :
    • Android and IOS

Key Benefits

  • Better Data Quality
  • Incredible Speed (As fast as 3 Days)
  • Relatively lower cost
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